Independence and Modern Era (1956 - Present)

Independence and Modern Era (1956 - Present)

1His Majesty King Mohammed VI continued the legacy of his predecessors, late Kings Mohammed V and Hassan II, in laying the foundations of a modern and competitive economy, while also promoting democratic values. Under his reign, Morocco reclaimed its position in Africa and the Arab World. His tenure witnessed the further forging of bonds between the monarchy and the people, aimed at advancing socio-economic development within the framework of institutionalized democracy.

Morocco has also embarked on ambitious mega projects aimed at infrastructure development, economic diversification, and social progress. Notable projects include the expansion of transportation networks, such as high-speed railways and modernized ports and airports, which have bolstered connectivity and facilitated trade. Moreover, initiatives like the "Vision 2020" plan have prioritized sectors like tourism, renewable energy, and agriculture, fostering sustainable growth and attracting foreign investment.




3Alongside these economic achievements, King Mohammed VI has been instrumental in enacting social reforms, notably the landmark 2004 Family Code (Moudawana), which aimed to enhance family protection, gender equality, and women's empowerment. Additionally, political reforms have been implemented, including amendments to the constitution in 2011 that strengthened democratic institutions, expanded civil liberties, and decentralization efforts, empowering local governance and fostering greater citizen participation.




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